In plastic bottles, that is. While the world turns to plastic to lower costs, the question on our minds is “What is it costing you?” Scientists and doctors will argue this point, but overwhelming research shows it costs you a whole lot more than that $1.25 bottled water.
Fortunately, individuals are educating themselves on potential health hazards more today than ever before. One by one, people are breaking away from the masses and second guessing what Big Pharma & top brands tell them.
Within the last decade, one plastic-related danger has been brought into the limelight – Bisphenol A (BPA). As you browse your grocer’s baby aisle or food storage department, you’ve probably seen more “BPA-Free” signs than you count. Though a step in the right direction, the majority of such products still contain BPA’s lesser known, yet equally offensive cousin, BPS.
While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration insists there’s no proof that these substances are harmful, multiple studies say otherwise. Such research has proven that both BPA and BPS affect hormones as well as our very cells. To help you understand the risks of this dangerous duo, here are some of the more concerning effects they have on the human body.
Pre-Birth Toxins
In 2010, scientists discovered that BPA crosses the placental blood barrier. Even more recently, however, tests showed that BPA’s popular replacement - known as BPS - also permeates the placental barrier, passing its hazardous qualities to unborn children. From stunted growth within the womb to post-birth behavioral challenges, these chemicals have serious consequences for babies who struggle to excrete them.
Endocrine Disruptors
BPA and BPS are perhaps most infamous for their effects on the endocrine system. Estrogen is especially susceptible to fallout from such chemicals. While highly limited contact with BPA may not create noticeable changes, long-term exposure blocks hormones from working correctly, sparking changes in reproductive and neurological health.
Chronic Health Conditions
Because BPA and BPS actually alter cells, they can lead to chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, breast cancer, prostate issues, low immune function, erectile dysfunction and diabetes. They can even play a role in the formation of fat cells, potentially resulting in obesity and infertility.
Exposure to these chemicals is concerning, but with due diligence, families can virtually eliminate them from their lives entirely. To do so, you should avoid plastic containers, canned foods, plastic wrap, baby bottles and bottled water manufactured with plastic. Even plastic bags and some cash register receipts contain BPA. When possible, choose products made of or stored in glass.
At Khroma Herbs, our commitment to purity and health extends beyond our ingredients to include the packaging itself. That’s why our herbal products are stored in glass bottles – never plastic.